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采用或涉及GastroPlus 软件发表的部分参考文献汇总(2021年)
凡默谷技术部挑选了2021年全球应用GastroPlus 软件发表或涉及GastroPlus的部分应用文章。希望对您的业务或专业学习有所帮助。
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling to Evaluate the Absorption of Midazolam Rectal Gel
Zhu J, Zhao Y, Wang L, Zhou C, Zhou S, Chen T, Zhang Z, Zhu Y, Ding S, Shao F. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 167, 1 December 2021, 106006. IF=5.112
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models Are Effective Support for Pediatric Drug Development
Wang K, Jiang K, Wei X, Li Y, Wang T, Song Y. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2021 Aug; 22(6): 208. IF=3.951
Optimization of Personalized Amlodipine Dosing Strategies for Children Based on Pharmacokinetic Data from Chinese Male Adults and PBPK Modeling
Han X, Hong X, Li X, Wang Y, Zheng A. Children. 2021, 8(11), 950. IF=2.835
使用计算机和体外方法预测决明子中 26 种成分的潜在毒性
Predicting the potential toxicity of 26 components in Cassiae semen using in silico and in vitro approaches
Yang J, Wang S, Zhang T, Sun Y, Han L, Banahene PO, Wang Q. Current Research in Toxicology. Volume 2, 2021, Pages 237-245. CiteScore =3.1
Development of an In Vivo Predictive Dissolution Methodology of Topiroxostat Immediate-Release Tablet Using In Silico Simulation
Li G, Yang H, Liu W, Shen C, Ji Y, Sun Y, Huo Q, Liu Y, Wang G. AAPS PharmSciTech. volume 22, Article number: 132 (2021). IF=3.951
Dosage Adjustment for Ceftazidime in Pediatric Patients With Renal Impairment Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Zhou J, You X, Ke M, Ye L, Wu W, Huang P, Lin C. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 110, Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 1853-1862. IF=3.784
Application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to predict the pharmacokinetics of telavancin in obesity with renal impairment
Wu W, Ke M, Ye L, Lin C. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. volume 77, pages989–998 (2021) Published: 15 January 2021. IF=3.064
Ceftaroline Dosage Optimized for Pediatric Patients With Renal Impairment Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Jie Zhou, Xiang You, Guimu Guo, Meng Ke, Jianwen Xu, Lingling Ye, Wanhong Wu, Pinfang Huang, Cuihong Lin. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Volume61, Issue12, December 2021, Pages 1646-1656. IF=2.86
胡昌勤. 《中国抗生素杂志》. 2021,46(03). 综合影响因子=1.255
王茜,姜红,周茜,刘晨曦,赵亚萍. 《医药导报》2021年10月第40卷第10期.
综合影响因子= 1.253
朱荣,黄丽丽,朱健萍. 《药物分析杂志》2021,41(3). 综合影响因子= 1.418
程智,刘峰,谢华,张涌灵,罗岚,郭志渊. 《中国药事》 2021年7月 第35卷 第7期. 综合影响因子= 0.841
杨妍妍,谢潘潘,史爱欣. 《中国临床药理学杂志》 第37卷第20期 2021年10月. 综合影响因子= 1.225
刘文霞,何坚,张钰,田媛,张尊建. 《中国临床药理学杂志》 第37卷第10期 2021年5月. 综合影响因子= 1.225
王晨,许明哲.《中国药物警戒》. 2021,18(07). 综合影响因子= 1.152
郭志渊,谢华,雍子宜,唐敏,袁军. 《中国新药杂志》 2021年第30卷第6期.
综合影响因子= 1.148
GastroPlus 软件在预测甲苯磺酸索拉非尼片生物等效性中的应用
孙运栋,王小雷,曾金,曹祥,徐翰林. 《中国医药工业杂志》. 2021, 52(11).
综合影响因子= 0.648
董子豪,吴闻哲. 《中国医药工业杂志》 2021, 52(2). 综合影响因子= 0.648
万古霉素联合多黏菌素B 用药对肾小管上皮细胞的作用
Permeability of Gemcitabine and PBPK Modeling to Assess Oral Administration
Ferreira A, Lapa R, Vale N. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2021, 43(3), 2189-2198. IF=2.976
3D Printed Buccal Films for Prolonged-Release of Propranolol Hydrochloride: Development, Characterization and Bioavailability Prediction
Jovanović M, Petrovic M, Cvijić S, Tomić N, Stojanović D, Ibric S, Uskoković P. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 13(12), 2143. IF=6.51
CYP 450诱导的PBPK建模的当前实践,分析方法的鸿沟,建议的工作流程:工业界观点
Current Practices, Gap Analysis and Proposed Workflows for PBPK Modeling of Cytochrome P450 Induction: An Industry Perspective
Hariparsad N, et al. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. December 2021, Volume 112, Issue 4 p. 770-781.
PBPK Modeling and Simulation and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Possible Ways for Antibiotic Dose Adjustment
Ferreira A, Lapa R, Vale N. Processes. 2021, 9(11), 2087. IF=3.352
Optimized In Silico Modeling of Drug Absorption after Gastric Bypass: The Case of Metformin
Dahan A, Porat D, Markovic M, Zur M, Kister O, Langguth P. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 13(11), 1873. IF=6.525
通过不同的应用策略评估不同超级崩解剂对FDM 3D 打印片剂药物释放的影响:体外试验-计算机预测评估
The evaluation of the effect of different superdisintegrants on the drug release from FDM 3D printed tablets through different applied strategies: In vitro-in silico assessment
Duranovic M, Madzarevic M, Ivkovic B, Ibric S, Cvijić S. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Volume 610, 15 December 2021, 121194.
使用具有生物相关力的溶出介质进行BCS II 类药物依法韦仑片的虚拟生物利用度预测,从而开展IVIVR的研究和制剂处方变更的模拟
In silico bioavailability for BCS class II efavirenz tablets using biorelevant dissolution media for IVIVR and simulation of formulation changes
da Silva TM, da Silva Honorio T, da Cunha Chaves MH, Duque MD, Cabral LM, de Carvalho Patricio BF, Rocha HVA. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. Volume 47, 2021 - Issue 8. IF=3.727
抗生素阿米卡星、庆大霉素、妥布霉素和万古霉素的 PBPK 建模和模拟在临床实践中的应用
PBPK Modeling and Simulation of Antibiotics Amikacin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin, and Vancomycin Used in Hospital Practice
Ferreira A, Martins H, Oliveira JC, Lapa R, Vale N. Life. 2021, 11(11), 1130. IF=3.253
Development of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic models for standard of care and newer tuberculosis drugs
Humphries H, Almond L, Berg A, Gardner I, Hatley O, Small B, Zhang M, Jamei M, Romero K, Pan X. Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology. Volume 10, Issue 11. IF=4.938
Pharmacokinetics of Baclofen in a Full-Term Newborn after Intrauterine Exposure: A Case Report
Balakirouchenane D, Khoudour D, Chouchana D, Chevillard L, Declèves X. Neonatology. (2021) 118 (5): 624–627. IF=5.106
使用基于生理学的生物药剂学(PBBM) 模型建立速释口服制剂的生物等效性安全空间:案例研究
Establishing the Bioequivalence Safe Space for Immediate-Release Oral Dosage Forms Using Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling (PBBM): Case Studies
Heimbach T, Kesisoglou F, Novakovic J, Tistaert C, Mueller-Zsigmondy M, Kollipara S, Ahmed T, Mitra A, Suarez-Sharp S. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. VOLUME 110, ISSUE 12, P3896-3906, December 2021. IF=3.784
Development of PBPK model for intra-articular injection in human: methotrexate solution and rheumatoid arthritis case study
Le Merdy M, Mullin JM, Lukacova V. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. (2021) 48:909–922. IF=2.410
PBPK 模型作为预测和理解尿苷 5'-二磷酸-葡萄糖醛酸基转移酶底物在肠道代谢过程的工具
PBPK Modeling as a Tool for Predicting and Understanding Intestinal Metabolism of Uridine 5′-Diphospho-Glucuronosyltransferase Substrates
Reddy MB, Bolger MB, Fraczkiewicz G, Del Frari L, Luo L, Lukacova V, Mitra A, Macwan JS, Mullin JM, Parrott N, Heikkinen AT. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 13(9), 1325. IF=6.51
计算药剂学— 一种新的药物递送研究范式
Computational pharmaceutics – A new paradigm of drug delivery
Wang W, Ye Z, Gao H, Ouyang D. Journal of Controlled Release. Volume 338, 10 October 2021, Pages 119-136. IF=11.467
用体外试验-计算机预测工具简化 Acalabrutinib 无定形固体分散片的开发
In Vitro-In Silico Tools for Streamlined Development of Acalabrutinib Amorphous Solid Dispersion Tablets
Mudie DM, Stewart AM, Rosales JA, Adam MS, Morgen MM, Vodak DT. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 13(8), 1257. IF=6.51
Development of rivaroxaban microemulsion-based hydrogel for transdermal treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolism
Araújo CDCB, Simon A, Honório TDS, Da Silva SVC, Valle IMM, Da Silva LCRP, Rodrigues CR, de Sousa VP, Cabral LM, Sathler PC, do Carmo FA. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Volume 206, October 2021, 111978. IF=5.999
结合BCS分类系统和PBPK模型, 预测黄芩素的体外和体内吸收特性
Combination of a biopharmaceutic classification system and physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to predict absorption properties of baicalein in vitro and in vivo
Liu Y, Sun J, Zhong L, Li Y, Er AN, Li T, Yang L, Dong L. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences.Volume 8, Issue 3, July 2021, Pages 238-247.
Cosmetics Europe evaluation of 6 in silico skin penetration models
Grégoire S, Sorrell I, Lange D, Najjar A, Schepky A, Ellison C, Troutman J, Fabian E, Duplan H, Géniès C, Jacques-Jamin C, Klaric M, Hewitt NJ. Computational Toxicology. Volume 19, August 2021, 100177.
使用人源化小鼠定量预测 P-gp介导的药物相互作用和在肠道的吸收
Predicting quantitatively P-glycoprotein mediated drug-drug interactions and intestinal absorption using humanized mice
Miyake T, Tsutsui H, Haraya K, Tachibana T, Morimoto K, Takehara S, Ayabe M, Kazuki Y. British Journal of Pharmacology. Volume 178, Issue 21 p. 4335-4351. IF=9.473
Biocompatible solvent selection based on thermodynamic and computational solubility models, in-silico GastroPlus prediction, and cellular studies of ketoconazole for subcutaneous delivery
Hussain A, Alshehri S, Ramzan M, Afzal O, Altamimi ASA, Alossaimi MA. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. Volume 65, October 2021, 102699. IF=5.062
In Silico Modeling and Simulation to Guide Bioequivalence Testing for Oral Drugs in a Virtual Population
Zhang F, Gao H, Jia F, Wu X, Liu B, Wang H. Clinical Pharmacokinetics. volume 60, pages1373–1385 (2021). IF=5.577
通过实验获得的酮康唑溶解度,模型验证, 并用GastroPlus 预测该药物的体内情况
Experimental Solubility of Ketoconazole, Validation Models, and In vivo Prediction in Human Based on GastroPlus
Hussain A, Altamimi MA, Alshehri S, Imam SS, Haque MW. AAPS PharmSciTech. volume 22, Article number: 194 (2021). IF=3.951
采用PBPK 建模方法预测药物在妊娠受试者和胎儿经肾脏的清除行为
PBPK Modeling Approach to Predict the Behavior of Drugs Cleared by Kidney in Pregnant Subjects and Fetus
Szeto KX, Le Merdy M, Dupont D, Bolger MB, Lukacova V. The AAPS Journal. (2021) 23: 8. IF=3.603
Application of a dual mechanistic approach to support bilastine dose selection for older adults
Kim CMJ, Lo Re V, Rodriguez M, Lukas JC, Leal N, Campo C, García-Bea A, Suarez E, Schmidt S, Vozmediano V. Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology. Volume 10, Issue 9 p. 1006-1017. IF=4.938
Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling for Predicting Drug–Food Interactions: Recommendations for Improving Predictive Performance of Low Confidence Food Effect Models
Wagner C, Kesisoglou F, Pepin XJ, Parrott N, Emami Riedmaier A. The AAPS Journal. volume 23, Article number: 85 (2021). IF=3.603
DRL ABC 缓释片的基于生理学的生物药剂学PBBM模型的开发、验证和应用,以证明其溶出度标准变更的合理性
Development, validation and application of physiologically based biopharmaceutics model to justify the change in dissolution specifications for DRL ABC extended release tablets
Jaiswal S, Ahmed T, Kollipara S, Bhargava M. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. Volume 47, 2021 - Issue 5. IF=3.727
Physiologically based modelling of tranexamic acid pharmacokinetics following intravenous, intramuscular, sub-cutaneous and oral administration in healthy volunteers
Zoe Kane, Roberto Picetti, Alison Wilby, Joseph. Standing, Stanislas Grassin-Delyle, Ian Roberts, Haleema Shakur-Still. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2021 Sep 1; 164: 105893. IF=5.112
Meta-Assessment of Metformin Absorption and Disposition Pharmacokinetics in Nine Species
Jeong YS, Jusko WJ. Pharmaceuticals. 2021, 14(6), 545. IF=5.215
Simulation of Remdesivir Pharmacokinetics and Its Drug Interactions
Deb S, Reeves AA. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. VOL. 24 (2021): Pages 267 – 399. IF=3.337
Application of physiologically based biopharmaceutics modeling (PBBM) to understand the impact of dissolution differences on in vivo performance of immediate release products: The case of bisoprolol
Macwan J, Fraczkiewicz G, Bertolino M, Kruger M, Peters SA. Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology. Volume 10, Issue 6 p. 622-632. IF=4.938
口服 APX3330 治疗可减少临床前小鼠模型中的 L-CNV 损伤,并使用 PBPK 模型确认 DR/DME 2 期临床试验的给药剂量在人的视网膜中有足够的分布
Oral APX3330 treatment reduces L-CNV lesions in preclinical mouse model and confirms Phase 2 DR/DME clinical dose with sufficient distribution to human retina using PBPK modeling
Silva LL, Lambert-Cheatham N, Stratford RE, Quinney SK, Corson TW, Kelley MR. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. June 2021, Vol.62, 1073. IF=4.799
餐后状态下给药但控制其不在结肠释放,可增加 DF030263 的口服生物利用度,DF030263 是一种潜在的治疗慢性淋巴细胞白血病候选药物
Administration in fed state but not controlled release in the colon increases oral bioavailability of DF030263, a promising drug candidate for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Lee JB, Zang X, Zgair A, Ooi TQ, Foley DW, Voronin G, Kagan L, Soukarieh F, Gao R, Shao H, Soh WT, Kim TH, Kim MG, Yun HY, Wilson AJ, Fischer PM, Gershkovich P. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. Volume 165, August 2021, Pages 106-112. IF=5.589
Scaffold-Hopping Strategy on a Series of Proteasome Inhibitors Led to a Preclinical Candidate for the Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis
Thomas M, et al. J. Med. Chem. 2021, 64, 9, 5905–5930. IF=8.039
Evaluating the impact of physiological properties of the gastrointestinal tract on drug in vivo performance using Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling and virtual clinical trials
Jereb R, Opara J, Bajc A, Petek B. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. VOLUME 110, ISSUE 8, P3069-3081, August 2021. IF=3.784
Clinical pharmacokinetic study of latrepirdine via in silico sublingual administration
Santos J, Lobato L, Vale N. In Silico Pharmacology. volume 9, Article number: 29 (2021). IF=4.3
利福平皮下给药的实验溶解度、热力学/计算验证和基于 GastroPlus 的计算机预测
Experimental Solubility, Thermodynamic/Computational Validations, and GastroPlus-Based In Silico Prediction for Subcutaneous Delivery of Rifampicin
Mahdi WA, Hussain A, Altamimi MA, Alshehri S, Bukhari SI, Ahsan MN. AAPS PharmSciTech.volume 22, Article number: 116 (2021).
Extemporaneous Compounding and Physiological Modeling of Amlodipine/Valsartan Suspension
Radwan A, Naser Zaid A, Shraim N, Aabed WJ. International Journal of Hypertension. Mar 2021. IF=2.434
Next generation risk assessment of human exposure to anti-androgens using newly defined comparator compound values
van Tongeren TCA, Moxon TE, Dent MP, Li H, Carmichael PL, Rietjens IMCM. Toxicology in Vitro. Volume 73, June 2021, 105132. IF=3.685
In vitro and in vivo correlation for lipid-based formulations: Current status and future perspectives
Huang Y, Yu Q, Chen Z, Wu W, Zhu Q, Lu Y. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 2469-2487. IF=14.907
Physiologically Based Biopharmaceutics Modeling of Regional and Colon Absorption in Dogs
Eckernäs E, Tannergren C. Mol. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 18, 4, 1699–1710. IF=5.364
将口服药物开发提升到新水平:IMI 资助的 OrBiTo 项目对患者享有医疗的影响
Leveraging Oral Drug Development to a Next Level: Impact of the IMI-Funded OrBiTo Project on Patient Healthcare
Hens B, Augustijns P, Lennernäs H, McAllister M, Abrahamsson B. Front. Med., 05 March 2021. Volume 8. IF=5.058
Synthesis, Biological Activity and In Silico Pharmacokinetic Prediction of a New 2-Thioxo-Imidazoldidin-4-One of Primaquine
Pereira M, Caljon G, Gouveia MJ, Maes L, Vale N. Pharmaceuticals. 2021, 14(3), 196. IF=5.215
Development of transdermal based hydrogel formulations of vinorelbine with an evaluation of their in vitro profiles and activity against melanoma cells and in silico prediction of drug absorption
Fonseca AM, Araújo CCB, Henriques da Silva J, Honorio TS, Nasciutti LE, Cabral LM, Almada do Carmo F, Pereira de Sousa V. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. Volume 63, June 2021, 102449. IF=6.062
Understanding Carrier Performance in Low-Dose Dry Powder Inhalation: An In Vitro–In Silico Approach
Pinto JT, Cachola I, Pinto JF, Paudel A. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 13(3), 297. IF=6.51
Biopharmaceutics Applications of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Absorption Modeling and Simulation in Regulatory Submissions to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for New Drugs
Wu F, Shah H, Li M, Duan P, Zhao P, Suarez S, Raines K, Zhao Y, Wang M, Lin HP, Duan J, Yu L, Seo P. The AAPS Journal. volume 23, Article number: 31 (2021). IF=3.603
药物的口服吸收研究的当前挑战和未来前景:UNGAP 络的观点
Current challenges and future perspectives in oral absorption research: An opinion of the UNGAP network
Vinarov Z, et al. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. Volume 171, April 2021, Pages 289-331. IF=17.873
Mucoadhesive Gelatin Buccal Films with Propranolol Hydrochloride: Evaluation of Mechanical, Mucoadhesive, and Biopharmaceutical Properties
Jovanović M, Tomić N, Cvijić S, Stojanović D, Ibric S, Uskoković P. Pharmaceutics. 2021, 13(2), 273. IF=6.51
Thermodynamic, Computational Solubility Parameters in Organic Solvents and In Silico GastroPlus Based Prediction of Ketoconazole
Alshehri S, Hussain A, Ahsan MN, Ali R, Siddique MUM. ACS Omega. 2021, 6, 7, 5033–5045. IF=4.132
NITD-688, a pan-serotype inhibitor of the dengue virus NS4B protein, shows favorable pharmacokinetics and efficacy in preclinical animal models
Moquin SA, et al. Science Translational Medicine. 3 Feb 2021. IF=19.319
A Curious Case for Development of Kinase Inhibitors as Antigiardiasis Treatments Using Advanced Drug Techniques
Michaels SA, Hennessey KM, Paragas N, Paredez AR, Ojo KK. ACS Infect. Dis. 2021, 7, 5, 943–947. IF=5.578
使用PBPK模型定量分析 P-pg对艾多沙班体内处置的影响
Quantitative analysis of an impact of P-glycoprotein on edoxaban’s disposition using a human physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model
Kato T, Mikkaichi T, Yoshigae Y, Okudaira N, Shimizu T, Izumi T, Ando S, Matsumoto Y. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Volume 597, 15 March 2021, 120349. IF=6.51
盐酸乐卡地平多晶型的探索性研究:pH 依赖的溶解行为及模拟其对PK的影响
Exploratory Study on Lercanidipine Hydrochloride Polymorphism: pH-Dependent Solubility Behavior and Simulation of its Impact on Pharmacokinetics
Repin IA, Loebenberg R, DiBella J, Conceicao ACL, Minas da Piedade ME, Ferraz HG, Issa MG, Bou-Chacra NA, Ermida CFM, de Araujo GLB. AAPS PharmSciTech. volume 22, Article number: 54 (2021) Published: 21 January 2021. IF=3.951
In vitro – in vivo – in silico approach in the development of inhaled drug products: nanocrystal-based formulations with budesonide as a model drug
Shi C, Ignjatovic J, Liu T, Han M, Cun D, Duriš J, Yang M, Cvijić S. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 16, Issue 3, May 2021, Pages 350-362. IF=9.289
用Middle-out方法理解事物影响的机理,并开发可靠的PBPK 模型
Understanding Mechanisms of Food Effect and Developing Reliable PBPK Models Using a Middle-out Approach
Pepin XJ, Huckle JE, Alluri RV, Basu S, Dodd S, Parrott N, Emami Riedmaier A. The AAPS Journal. volume 23, January 2021. IF=3.603
使用 PBPK 模型和治疗药物监测进行万古霉素的药代动力学预测研究
In silico pharmacokinetic study of vancomycin using PBPK modeling and therapeutic drug monitoring
Ferreira A, Martins H, Oliveira JC, Lapa R, Vale N. Curr Drug Metab. 2021;22(2):150-162. IF=3.685
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